Best Game
Judith Polgar won the Best Game award with her win over A. Mathe of France in round 7. Denker describes it as a typical example of Judith’s attacking style.
Polgar Judith (HUN) – Mathe A. (FRA)
Fond Du Lac, WI, 1990
1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cd 4. Nxd4 Nc6 5. Nc3 Qc7 6. Be2 a6 7. 0-0 Nf6 8. Be3 Be7 9. f4 d6 10. Qe1 0-0 11. Qg3 Bd7 12. Kh1 b5 13. a3 Nxd4 14. Bxd4 Bc6 15. e5 Ne8 16. Bd3 Qb7 17. Rae1 b4 18. ed Bxd6 19. Ne4 Be7 20. f5 ef 21. Nc5 Qa7 22. Ne6 Bd6 23. Qh3 Qb7 24. Nxf8 Bxf8 25. Qxf5 Bxg2+ 26. Kg1 g6
Diagram to be added
27. Qxf7+ After 27…Qxf7 28 Rxf7 Bd5 29 Rd7 1:0
GM Schwartzman says,
“I mentioned the word viciousness in my last comments. I don’t think it applies better to anyone than Judith Polgar. Her attacks are the ultimate in terms of viciousness, and believe me I know what I am talking about: twice I had to face her aggressiveness, including once during this particular tournament.
“In my case, I managed to survive. Both games had similar scenarios. Being black I came immediately under fire, and believe me, it was not friendly! However, with a very careful defense I managed to avoid the checkmate. And interestingly enough, by the time the attacks were over it was Judit who was scrambling for a draw, which in both cases she successfully achieved. The point though is that surviving her attacks is almost impossible.
“Her aggressive style is so intimidating that perhaps the most important thing is to remain calm. And that’s not easy when playing against the phenomenon that Judith is. And the worse part is that she exploits every tiny mistake.
“One small slip in the defense will lead to an immediate defeat as this particular game very well shows. The player with the black pieces is not a bad player. As a matter of fact it was a loss to him that caused me to drop down to third place in the final rankings. But he simply couldn’t find every move, the only move, which is often what it takes when playing Judith. Starting with move 9 every one of her moves was somehow related to the attack and she built it with the skill of a spider preparing a web. Very soon it was the black king who got caught in this web, and you must admit that 27.Qf7 is a very fitting end to the masterpiece. Can you blame anyone for being intimidated after seeing this?”
VOTE for Don Schultz
“Don Schultz is the most experienced of the Executive Board candidates and has contributed many beneficial new ideas to American Chess . . . I support his candidacy.”
Bill Goichberg, President, USCF

NOTE: Election ballots including mailing instructions, will be in the June issue of Chess Life. All USCF members whose membership are current on June 1, 2007 and who are also U.S. residents, and who are by June 30, 2007 eligible to vote.
To: USCF Members
I write to you as a former Board member of USCF, a FIDE International Arbiter, and the founding editor of Chess Life magazine. The subject is Don Schultz, who is running this year for re-election to the Board.
I have known Don Schultz since we were both children, and in all of these many years I have never known anyone more dedicated to chess than Don. His credits in service of USCF, FIDE and chess in general, are so extensive that they could not be elaborated upon in the confines of a single letter. A few highlights might include his being former President of USCF, a current and long-time member of the General Assembly of FIDE (who serves on many international committees), and an organizer of many international and national tournaments.
Don devotes his fulltime activities to chess organization, and I know personally that it is not uncommon for him to work 16 to 18 hours a day in service of the USCF, year in and year out. Although he is very much his own man in voting for what he feels is the right thing to do for USCF, he is, above all, a great mediator and conciliator, and is able to work, often with compromise, within the many different factions of USCF that arise. He also seems to come up with new ideas for USCF every minute, and they are exciting, practical and cogent ideas. Everyone in the chess world speaks highly of his imagination, his hard work, his many accomplishments.
Aside from his organizational abilities, Don is one of the most cordial people in chess. He has had to dinner at his home more world champions, international grandmasters, and just plain woodpushers than any other chessplayer in the United States. He is thoroughly connected with virtually everyone in chess.
Don Schultz is quite simply the most successful and enduring chess organizer in the history of this country. Without question, he deserves to be re-elected. Not to do so would be a disservice to USCF.
When your ballot comes in Chess Life,
Please vote for the future of chess
Vote for Don Schultz!
Education: Manhattan College: BSEE, 1957.· Married childhood sweetheart in 1957, have three daughters and nine grandchidren. Celebrating 50th wedding anniversary this October in NYC. My wife Teresa has shared my chess life with me. She was voted chess spouse of the year in August 2004. It is highly likely that Teresa has cooked more dinners for chess people than any other person in the world.
Chess Player:
Expert, played 4th Board for the Atlanta Knights in the National Chess League and 4th Board for both the Waterloo and Brussels Chess Club in the Belgium League and won the 1967 North Carolina Championship.
Tournament Director:
In the first half of the 1960s possibly directed more USCF rated tournaments than any other person.
Organizer Major Events:
The 1963 US 30/30 Championship, State Championships in New York, North Carolina.
Served as admin assistant to Bobby Fischer in his 1972 defeat of Boris Spassky for the world championship
1981 FIDE Congress in Atlanta, Only FIDE Congress ever held in US.
1985 US Open at Ft. Lauderdale (co-organizer)
The 1990 World Youth (6 world champioships, boys and girls under 14, 12 and 10. Besides the Olympiad and the world championship, this tournament is the most prestigious chess tournament. I raised the money – over $60,000.
1993 Amateur Team Playoffs, this was the only face to face amteur team playoffs. I obtained sponsorship from the Baltimore Yacht Club (site, transportation and accommodations for 22 people, meals, etc.)
1994 U.S. Championship in Key West, Florida
The 1996 NY Invitational, arguably the 3rd strongest round robin ever held in the USA (behind the two Piatigorsky Cup tournaments)
The 2004 U.S. Senior Open
· Established the Cramer Awards for Excellence in Chess journalism
· As editor of floridaCHESS won numerous journalist awards including Best State Magazine.
· Established the Gallery of Distinguished Chess Journalists
· President of several chess clubs, four state associations (NY, North Carolina, Georgia & Florida) and the US Chess Federation
· Honorary Lifetime member Florida Chess Association Board of Directors Inducted into FIDE’s Golden Book, special award for support of scholastic chess from the North Broward School, USCF Lifetime Achievement award
· Together with Soviet Cosmonaut Vitaly Sevestianov met with UNESCO officials and raised funding to host a seminar for African TD’s and organizers
· Together with GM Lev Polugaevesky rewrote the rules for the world championship cycle
· Authored the first book on Chess Politics: “Chessdon” and a follow up titled “Fischer, Kasparov and the Others.”
Sample of Accomplishments in Last 3 to 5 Years
Together with USCF VP Finance, Joel Channing organized a Retreat of leaders of major national chess organizations.
Together with Joel Channing, Susan Polgar and Paul Truong organized a world record breaking simultaneous Exhibition by Susan.
Organized the 2004 and ran US Senior Open Chess Championship
Represented the USCF on the campaign team of Bessel Kok in his attempt to uns Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. While Bessel lost the election , the campaign led to the establishment of FIDE Global led by Bessel which is now responsible for commercial ventures of FIDE.
Established contact with TV dignitary Jeff Zahn and currently involved in planning a TV reality series on chess similar to what has happened in poker.
Performed duties of USCF VP and continued a very long string of never missing a Board meeting while a meber ofeither the FIDE or USCF Executive Boards.
Obtained commitment, though never invoked from friend Dato Tan Chin Nam to lend USCF whatever money they needed during the financial crisis of 2003/04.
Established the Gallery of Distinguished Chess Journalists that has been extremely well received by the US journalist community. Plaques of inductees are on display at the Marshall Chess Club in NY and the Mechanics Institute Chess Club in San Francisco.